Jewelry appraiser Trang Pham, a GIA Graduate Gemologist, and owner of La Jolla Gem Appraisal won the 2022 Rising Star Award from the prestigious American Society of Appraisers (ASA). Â This is another step in proving her commitment to the profession she is passionate about.
The Rising Stars Award program is aimed at engaging up-and-coming appraisal professionals by honoring young leaders who have demonstrated significant contributions and successes throughout the year within the valuation profession. Rising Stars honorees are nominated and selected by the Rising Stars Committee based on their professional achievements in the workplace and their volunteer efforts at the local, national or international levels.
A jewelry appraisal is an unbiased, evidence-based valuation for a specific purpose, as of a specific date, that is based on researched market data analyzed and formulated into a report prepared by a trained, experienced professional valuation specialist.
As the only AGA Gemological Laboratory in San Diego, we use advanced technology and scientific methods to provide our professional, independent and unbiased opinions of the identification, quality and grading.
We provide services in selling jewelry for our private clients who wish to convert the jewelry that no longer fit their lifestyle into liquid assets or for estates and trusts seeking to sell collections or partial collections.